The Alpha Lab for 2XKO has ended! And with that here’s the feedback that my community and myself have for the Alpha Lab:
My Thoughts:
- As a player that has never really played tag fighters, 2XKO was sooo much fun. I mostly played in solos and enjoyed Ahri/Yasuo.
- How easy is the game? I would rate it 6/10 where new players can easily get overwhelmed. The game feels like too many mechanics can make a new or casual player feel overwhelmed. Having Pulse fuse as is was ok for new players but it doesn’t cover the feel of the game or the defense, which is where a newbie can get overwhelmed. 6 buttons was ok and I did get used to it, but it’s something you do need to get used to.
- Too many fuses: As cool as each fuse was, it feels like it should just be merged. 2x Assist should just include Double Knockout effect and Free Tag should just include Fury. It feels like each fuse takes what should be a universal mechanic and seperate them.
- Parry should have more advantage: parry is supposed to be a high risk and high reward. When parry was done in the game, it felt like there was no opportunity to react that it worked and capitalize. Once parry is used, we should be able to follow up with an attack or a throw to capitalize.
- Darius is soooo strong. His bleed mechanic should be a status that disappears after a successful tag and if the player hasn’t been hit by Darius for a certain amount of time, bleed should disappear. His command grab also needs to be looked at. A 3-way guess is fine, but jailed to not jump is a little much. Push Block or Parry should be the answers to Darius and it feels like it was not.
- Ahri’s Lvl 1 super being used in Double Knockout multiple times and not scaling: I saw instances where you can use Ahri’s lvl 1 and follow it up with illaoi’s super and continue that pattern. There should be a limit of using two ult’s with Double Knockout.
- Duo’s was really fun but as a solo gamer I played the game more as a solo player. I felt that the pacing of the game was not slow but just the right pacing. A little faster than Granblue’s speed but not as fast as Guilty Gear Strive’s.
- Air buttons like Heavy and Medium should be beaten by lighter/faster buttons.
- Music in the game was so good. I really enjoyed just vibing in the lobbies and enjoying the music.
- Ahri and Yasuo felt amazing to play, I can’t stress it enough. I really enjoyed the freedom and movement. Also I loved that it was just right for grinding the battlepass, and didn’t feel like it takes forever to level up.
- Please no TOD’s. I don’t mind high damage but no TOD’s.
From my community:
- The increased advantage for a defender on throw break
- Higher whiff recovery on specials (something I also agree with it!)
- Accessibility: Screen readers for menu, frame data info, and move info.
- The tutorial does not do justice on how much you need to know about the game. It felt too simple. Tutorials for different fuses should exist.
- The navigation menu was overwhelming to navigate. Having so many options locked behind fight was a little frustrating.
- Sounds for accessibility should include different sounds for different hits while also helping measure how close or far a character is. A lot of the sounds sounded the same and it was hard to differentiate.

Overall, I really loved playing 2XKO and can’t wait for the next opportunity to play! Thank you to the team at Riot for creating such an amazing and unique experience! I can’t wait for more! (Also Kindred for 2XKO!!)